Monday, 22 January 2024
EasiFold - Is a two part system that works with a 2cm wide tape containing metal press studs at set intervals along it's length, which create a set pleat depth of 10.75cm or 15.75cm (4 or 6). The two part system consists of a square base carrier and a separate double sided popper which is applied to the tape and dictates how much fabric is required therefore you simply make to the size of the tape. The double sided popper allows for you to create a window dressing by hanging fabric on either side of it. Suitable for all types of applications in both contract or domestic applications. Carriers spacing's supplied in 54mm, 60mm or 80mm.
EasiFlex - Is our flexible heading system which creates the same look as EasiFold/EasiWave system but in a more flexible way. It comes supplied as a two system comprising of a square base carrier and a separate two pronged hook. The system works with a 77mm deep, multi pocket tape with pockets every 1cm along the whole length of the tape top and bottom. Due to the close proximity of the pockets on the tape it allows for complete control over how much fabric you use. Allowing you to make up to the nearest full or half width or to a specific pattern repeat. Perfect for all types of contract or domestic environments, due to the square construction of it's carrier base it is ideal for bay window tracks. Carriers spacing's supplied in 54mm, 60mm and 80mm.
EasiWave - Is our most versatile version of this heading system. It utilises the same 77mm deep multi pocketed tape. It comes as a one part system with a circular hooking point on the carrier base, this allows you to use a standard curtain hook when hanging your drapes. It has the same functionality as the EasiFlex system. Unlike the EasiFlex system, EasiWave comes with a circular carrier base this allows for tighter stacking of your fabric. So if you are limited to how much space you have to stack your fabric EasiWave is the perfect solution. Suitable for all types of contract and domestic applications. Carrier spacing's supplied in 60mm and 80mm.
So what makes the system unique?
The system is designed so that the curtains maintain their folding effect from the moment they are dressed.
The simple yet stylish design makes the curtains easier to make up.
Easy to take down and re-hang thanks to it's detachable carrier-base.
The EasiFold, EasiFlex and EasiWave heading stacks back neatly, taking up less space than traditional pleated headings.
Depending on the fullness selected the system can be more economical than more traditional curtains (Up to 33% less fabric) compared to a regular pencil pleat curtain).
Specially designed interconnected gliders are contained within the curtain track.
This connection cord limits the extension of the curtain fabric, creating a smooth and continuous folding effect.
Depending on the fabric type, a regular buckram tape could be used with the Easi heading system at the top of the curtain to maintain a smooth appearance throughout the drop of the curtain.
Easi curtain heading systems available in: white and transparent, in 10.75cm and 15.75cm spacing.
Transparent EasiFlex tape with pockets allows for completely variable folds and any fullness desired, from 150% to 350% .